Robb Rockwell

Associate Pastor of children

Robb was born and raised in Florida. Robb's life was changed when, at eight years old, a teacher took the time to explain to him how to make Jesus Lord of his life

Robb graduated from the University of South Florida and spent a frustrating year trying to figure out what God wanted him to do. It was during this year that Robb knew he was called into full-time ministry and began serving as a youth pastor. He soon realized that his passion was to work with children and families, and he enrolled and then graduated from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 

Robb is married to Bambi and has three children Hayley, Sydney, and Lance . He is a lover of all things Disney, loves running and working out, anything with an engine, and  always loves to have fun while teaching kids about Jesus.

David higgs


David grew up in Greenville, MS. A “lifelong" southern Baptist, David grew up in Greenfield Baptist Church there, which has since been passed to another congregation. But back then, David “walked the aisle” and was baptized young like good Baptist kids often do. However when he was 14, he saw his friends experiencing something more real at youth camp. That’s when he believed the Gospel and met Jesus for real.

David married Connie and finished college at Delta State University with a Bachelor’s in Music Education. He planned to be a collegiate choral professor, but God had other plans. After only a couple of years in teaching, David answered God’s call to ministry. He has served churches in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, and now two in Illinois. He attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

David and Connie have two kids. David who is married to Farrah and lives in Champaign and Victoria who still lives in Harrisburg. They also recently welcomed their first grandchild!

Brian Kenney
ASsistant PASTOR of Congregational Care

Brian was born and raised in Morris, IL. Brian's life changed at fifteen years of age, after his sister and mother both accepted the Lord at a revival service at Calvary Baptist Church in Morris. They persuaded he and his dad to attend the services where they both accepted the Lord. Brian answered the call to ministry the next year.

Brian is a graduate of Southwest Baptist University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He "retired" from full time ministry in 2018 after 40 plus years of pastoral and chaplaincy ministry.

Brian met his wife, Terry, at First Southern Baptist Church in Coal City, IL. They were married in 1998. Terry is a seamstress and enjoys using her talent to reach out to and minister to her community. Brian and Terry enjoy ministering to pastors and their families and also offer bereavement ministries to those who are hurting.

Stacey Helmich
Executive Ministry Assistant

Melissa Carruthers
administrative Ministry Assistant